SAT Thermique takes you on a world tour of its equipment. 1st stop: Ireland!

SAT puts its mastery of aeraulics to the test, by supplying the world leader in organic optical glasses, here on their Irish site.
The spectacle lenses are carefully arranged in 2 multi-level trolleys and positioned in the oven.
The adjustable air diffusers ensure perfect homogeneity of the air flow at each level of the load to maintain the temperature of the glasses before the application of protective varnish.
Loading and unloading operations are carried out in complete safety thanks to the 2 automatic pneumatic doors, peripheral protections, immaterial barriers and sensitive sensors installed on the doors.
SAT know-how, at the service of your eyesight,
Who knows, your glasses may have stayed there?
#industry #aeraulics #satthermique #industrialoven